Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Istri Dan Anak Dalam Perkawinan Tentara Nasional Indonesia Tanpa Izin Atasan
Wife, Child, Armed Force Marriage, Permission from SuperiorAbstract
The Indonesian Nasional Armed Force as state’s apparatus have to comply with the prevailing legal provisions, especially a marriage conducted by an Indonesian Nasional Armed Force has to follow Marriage Law and the other regulations imposed on the Armed Force. One of the requirements for getting marriage, before registering it to the Religious Affairs Office and the Civil Registry Office, is getting permission from the superiors. Armed officers and government employees who work for the Armed Force have to report to their superiors in written form when they want to get married. Without the acknowledge of their superiors, they will be considered as being single and their wives and children will not get any allowance; in other words, they are considered as having no dependent.A marriage without getting permission in the Armed Force has an effect on a Armed officer’s wife and children in which they are legally protected by Law on Marriage and Law on Child Protection.The result of the research showed that the decision of the Disciplinary Infraction Meeting was considered correct in imposing punishment on Armed officers who violated the Constitution No. 25/2014 on Disciplinary regulation on the Indonesian Nasional Armed Force.