Pada perkembangnnya, hukum Islam di Indonesia melibatkan transformasi dan pembaruan pemikiran terhadap ajaran-ajaran Islam, termasuk aspek hukumnya. Yaitu, pertama, Perubahan Ketetapan Hukum dalam al-Quran dan As-Sunnah: Hukum Islam mengalami perubahan seiring waktu, terutama dalam interpretasi dan aplikasi nash-nash al-Quran dan hadis. Kedua, Transformasi Pemikiran Hukum Islam Pada Masa Sahabat: Pemikiran hukum Islam telah mengalami transformasi sejak zaman Sahabat Nabi. Ketiga, Kekinian: Dinamika hukum Islam juga mencakup pemikiran hukum yang relevan dengan konteks masa kini. Keempat, Metode Penemuan Hukum Islam: Metode penafsiran teks hukum (interpretasi literal) dan metode ta’lili (analisis kontekstual) digunakan untuk menemukan hukum Islam. Kelima, Hubungan antara Hukum dan Moralitas: Hukum Islam dan moralitas saling terkait, dan pemahaman tentang keduanya terus berkembang.
A collection of Islamic legal provisions written and compiled regularly in Indonesia or better known as Kompilasi Hukum Islam (KHI). A compilation of Islamic law containing 3 books, regulating marriage, inheritance and endowments which can be guided in resolving legal problems in the Islamic religion. The existence of the Compilation of Islamic Law is based on Presidential Instruction no. 1 of 1991. Its position in the National Legal System is directed to the position of the Presidential Instruction itself in the legal order in Indonesia. This means that the Compilation of Islamic Law is under or subordinate to Laws and Government Regulations. Therefore, in this edition, Al-Adillah raises this theme. Happy reading
AL-ADILLAH: Journal of Islamic Law (p-ISSN 2776-4710, e-ISSN : 2774-504X), is a journal published twice a year (in January and August) by the Family Law Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Religion, Bondowoso University, Indonesia. The specifications of this journal are Islamic Law Studies which include Islamic family law, Islamic economic law, Islamic criminal law, Islamic constitutional law, zakat and waqf law, and contemporary Islamic legal thought studies. This journal serves as a medium to explore critical thinking in the field of Islamic Law. This journal is open to all academics, practitioners, scholars, and students with the specification of Islamic Law studies. ideas that include research articles, conceptual ideas, literature, and practical experience
AL-ADILLAH: Journal of Islamic Law (p-ISSN 2776-4710, e-ISSN : 2774-504X), is a journal published twice a year (in January and August) by the Family Law Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Religion, Bondowoso University, Indonesia. The specifications of this journal are Islamic Law Studies which include Islamic family law, Islamic economic law, Islamic criminal law, Islamic constitutional law, zakat and waqf law, and contemporary Islamic legal thought studies. This journal serves as a medium to explore critical thinking in the field of Islamic Law. This journal is open to all academics, practitioners, scholars, and students with the specification of Islamic Law studies. ideas that include research articles, conceptual ideas, literature, and practical experience
AL-ADILLAH: Journal of Islamic Law (p-ISSN 2776-4710, e-ISSN : 2774-504X), is a journal published twice a year (in January and August) by the Family Law Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Religion, Bondowoso University, Indonesia. The specifications of this journal are Islamic Law Studies which include Islamic family law, Islamic economic law, Islamic criminal law, Islamic constitutional law, zakat and waqf law, and contemporary Islamic legal thought studies. This journal serves as a medium to explore critical thinking in the field of Islamic Law. This journal is open to all academics, practitioners, scholars, and students with the specification of Islamic Law studies. ideas that include research articles, conceptual ideas, literature, and practical experience
AL-ADILLAH: Journal of Islamic Law (p-ISSN 2776-4710, e-ISSN : 2774-504X), is a journal published twice a year (in January and August) by the Family Law Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Religion, Bondowoso University, Indonesia. The specifications of this journal are Islamic Law Studies which include Islamic family law, Islamic economic law, Islamic criminal law, Islamic constitutional law, zakat and waqf law, and contemporary Islamic legal thought studies. This journal serves as a medium to explore critical thinking in the field of Islamic Law. This journal is open to all academics, practitioners, scholars, and students with the specification of Islamic Law studies. ideas that include research articles, conceptual ideas, literature, and practical experience
AL-ADILLAH: Journal of Islamic Law (p-ISSN 2776-4710, e-ISSN : 2774-504X), is a journal published twice a year (in January and August) by the Family Law Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Religion, Bondowoso University, Indonesia. The specifications of this journal are Islamic Law Studies which include Islamic family law, Islamic economic law, Islamic criminal law, Islamic constitutional law, zakat and waqf law, and contemporary Islamic legal thought studies. This journal serves as a medium to explore critical thinking in the field of Islamic Law. This journal is open to all academics, practitioners, scholars, and students with the specification of Islamic Law studies. ideas that include research articles, conceptual ideas, literature, and practical experience
Al-Adillah: Jurnal Hukum Islam
Publisher: Prodi Hukum Keluarga Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Bondowoso
Jalan Diponegoro No.247, Selatan Sawah, Desa Kota Kulon, kecamatan Kota, Kabupaten Bondowoso, Jawa Timur 68219
Telp./Faks. (0332) 427022 e-mail :
Map Coordinate : Lat. -8.078838, Long. 113.244258
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