Korelasi Keaktifan Siswa Belajar Matematika Dengan Prestasi Belajar Pada Pokok Bahasan Bentuk Aljabar Kelas VII MTs Nurus Salam


  • Agus Kadarmanto
  • Amalia Martha Santosa Universitas Bondowoso
  • Emil Gufron Universitas Bondowoso


correlation, student activity, learning achievement


Students' activeness in learning mathematics can improve students' mathematics learning achievements, especially on the subject of algebraic forms. This can be seen from research results which state that there is a significant correlation between students' active learning and learning achievement. The results of calculations in data analysis obtained rs = 0.740 and r table = 0.496. It is known that r count > r table, which means that the more active students are in learning mathematics, the higher the achievement they obtain in mathematics lessons.




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